Monday, November 12, 2007

The 9th Week, Part One

This week so much happened, I need to make it a 2-parter. How exciting!! That's Drama!

My 2 month old birthday was this week, on 11/15. I wanted a cake, but instead I got shot.
Well, actually, I got shot several times. Diphtheria, tetanus, DTP, HIB, and a bunch of other shots with TLAs (Three Letter Acronyms) like OPV/IPV (Polio). A lot of people are against babies getting shots because they can cause autism and stuff.. but there's no real proof of that. Millions, if not Billions, of babies get shots, but the entire child population doesn't have autism. I think some babies are prone to it, and some aren't. Its the old (genes x environment) argument. Same for breastfeeding vs formula. Some evidence suggests that babies with certain genes may become smarter (up to 8 IQ points) if given breast milk instead of formula. If you don't have the right set of genes though, the breast milk won't do make you smarter. For me, I don't care about any of that. I just think Mommy's milk is yummier.

We will return to "Days of Drake's Life" in just a moment...

To thank Mommy for all her hard work and dedication, I smiled at her all on my own. That seemed to be reward enough. We went to Potomac Mills mall and Daddy bought me a reindeer outfit in which I'm sure to be cute in.

And now, a word from our sponsor...
Blogger. Anyone can blog... even a baby.

And now, back to the show...

Concerning my issues from last week, the doctor ordered a UGI. Yes, more TLAs. Doctor's (and gamers) love 'em. Anyway, An Upper Gastronomic Intestinal test is where they make me drink barium and watch it all go down. Mommy and Daddy were with me for this important test. I was pretty good, considering. I only cried near the end. The table was uncomfortable after a while. And just because I think its neat, here's some pics from the UGI.

What do these pictures reveal? Did anything happen from getting the shots? What lies ahead for our intrepid hero? Tune in next week... Same Blog Time... Same Blog Channel!

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