Thursday, July 12, 2007

Lunar Month 8

It's like when you go on a roller coaster and go up and up and up and up and then whoooosh down really really really fast and then around and around and then zoooom through a tunnel and then they take your picture -click- but you don't know it and then you go up one more little hill and cruise the rest of the way so you can enjoy the rest of the ride as you reflect the roller coaster you were just on. Sometimes you even want to get back on the ride again. Well, that's what this month is all about. Cruise Control.

I'm pretty much all set at this point. Oh, I still have some growing to do, but I'm pretty handsome right now already. Just look at my sonogram! Tee Hee.

Now it's Mommy's turn to prepare. So far she's had a really easy pregnancy (Thanks to me! Tee Hee!). Hopefully Lunar Month 8 will be just as easy.

And now, the part you've all been waiting for... Quotable Quotes!

"Give a child wings so that they may soar, give them roots so that they may land."
- Roland D. Steedlam

"List of parental requirements: Affection without sentiment, authority without cruelty, discipline without aggression, humor without ridicule, sacrifice without obligation, companionship without possessiveness."
- William E. Blatz

"The rich don't have children; they have heirs."
- Peter C. Newman

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