Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Week 29: Day 197 - 203

Last month was the big cliff hanger.. Does Mommy have Gestational Diabetes or not? Well, I'm happy to report that she does not. That means no more yummy sugary drinks for me, but its great news for her. Go Mommy!

I am back to my normal size now. For a little while I was slightly above average but currently my "Crown to Rump" measurement is slightly over 10 inches and I weigh around 2.25 lbs. SO I'm back on track now. With only 2 months left to go, I best start gaining some weight though . But not too much, right Mommy? :)

Mommy and Daddy took a childbirth prep class on Sat. 7-14-07. Apparently I don't come with an instruction manual so they need to learn how to take care of me. All I really need are hugs and kisses!! Tee Hee!

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