Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Week 28: Day 190 - 196

My brain is very powerful. How powerful? It's SOOO powerful that its begun to wrinkle due to rapid growth. This is known as convollution. Can you say "Con-Vo-Lew-Shun" boys and girls? I knew you could. Thanks to convolution, my brain contains more brain cells than a smooth brain otherwise could. Which is weird, I know. Wouldn't there be more space in a smooth brain? Oh, and just in case you wanted to know, my bone marrow is now completely responsible for making my red blood cells. Awesomeness!!

As I mentioned a while ago, I'm still in the middle of myelinization, which is a fatty substance that coats my cells and makes them go faster. Most of the hair on my body (Lanugo... Can you say Lan-You-Go boys and girls? I knew you could!) has disappeared. It's likely my toenails and head hair (if any) are visible now.

Well, that about wraps up Lunar Month 7. Stay tuned next month for an exciting new series of trials, tribulations, and triumph! Same baby time! Same baby channel!

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