Friday, October 26, 2007

6 weeks old

So here I am at 6 weeks old. Time sure flies by. Especially since I actually started posting this on Dec 1, and after days of fussing I can finally finish it tonight on 12/5. So the listed post date is when I was supposed to have written something, not when I actually did. I'm such a cheater!
tee hee!

A: Mommy took me to Daddy's work on Friday to show me off. Naturally I was a big hit in my Whelping outfit. Mommy has pictures on her blog. Go check them out! Also, I can't wait to play Daddy's game! We also went to the DMV a few days prior so Mommy could register her car.

B: I can roll part way to my side. I'm not sure how useful this is, but its fun! weeeeeeee! This week I've gained somewhere around 5 ounces, +/- 3. Since I can't weigh myself, I'm not sure the exact number. OHH! I almost forgot. I can totally smile now! And not just when I pee. I'm soo cute! I'm sleeping slightly longer during the night, usually.. but some nights I'm just fussy. I dunno why. It's not easy being only 6 weeks old ya know.

C: I can make other sounds besides crying. Thus far I've picked up cooing and other misc sounds. I hope to one day achieve mommy's playful scare sound, "eeeeep!" I respond to Daddy pretty readily because he interacts with me a lot too. In my copious (I realize I'm only 6 weeks old, but I can still use big words like copious...) spare time, I've decided to develop "binoclarity" (now thats a big word!), which is the ability of the brain to blend the image from each eye into a single image. This way I can see Mommy better.... she's so pretty!

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